
Toxic Levels Of Barium And Aluminum Found In Several Mohave County Arizona Residents

Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

Get Ready - HAARP Has Been Turned Up Again

Bill Clinton Calls For Internet ‘Ministry of Truth’

Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

Ron Paul Warns The U.S. May Try To Occupy Pakistan

Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor

Japan: Radioactive Water Dumped Into Pacific Due To “STRONG REQUEST” From The US

Fukushima Reactors a Raging Nuclear Inferno

Israel created Hamas and using its existence to slaughter Palestinian civilians.

Saudi consulate staff shot dead in Karachi

International Court Seeks Warrant for Qaddafi

The United States Congress is set to vote on legislation that authorizes the official start of World War 3.

United Arab Emirates Confirms Hiring Blackwater Founder’s Firm

Media Silent About Plutonium Contamination of Japanese Rice

Secret Weather Weapons Can Kill Millions, Warns Top Russian Politican

Elite’s plan for global extermination